Tech & Science Education

  • 462997

    The Foundation aims to reduce socio-economic disparities and Advance Social Mobility in Israeli society by promoting accessible technological education and fostering scientific thinking especially in the Geo-social Periphery. Believing that equal access to quality education, especially in technology and science, maximizes Israel's economic growth potential, the Foundation envisions increased career and economic opportunities, leading to enhanced social cohesion and solidarity. Supporting various associations and organizations, the Foundation fosters partnerships with entities developing models and best practices in the field.


    Works to introduce ultra-Orthodox youth to the fields of science and technology while encouraging individual and group excellence while adhering to ultra-Orthodox values. 

    The Foundation’s Involvement

    Prof. Amnon Shashua assisted Mrs. Michal Ivgi in founding the association which was established to respond to the expanding need in ultra-Orthodox society for current scientific and technological knowledge. He also contributed to expanding the activity and exposing thousands of children from ultra-Orthodox backgrounds to the field of robotics,  opening them up the next generation to the world of technology. 

    Nitzanim Program

    "Be’Netivey Udi" NGO

    A joint program of the cyber computer and defense divisions in the IDF to enable outstanding youth in the geo-social periphery to experience and deepen their experience in software positioning themselves for service in elite positions of the IDF and later, integration in high-tech fields. 


    The Foundation’s Involvement

    The Foundation partners in establishing a Nitzanim branch in Ashkelon, inaugurating new groups in the city, and training female students in the Women Tech program for integration into technological professions in the IDF.


    A social enterprise founded by entrepreneurs from the ultra-Orthodox community and supported by leaders of Israeli hi-tech, with the aim of integrating ultra-Orthodox into the forefront of hi-tech. 

    The Foundation’s Involvement

    Prof. Amnon Shashua is a member of the advisory committee and supports the organization in order to help develop study programs that promote integration of the ultra-Orthodox sector in the tech industry. 

    Manoim Kadima Scholarship

    Ben Gurion University

    Scholarship program for mechanical engineering students at Ben Gurion University engaged in the inter-university Formula Project. The program includes mentoring high school students from Be’er Sheva and surrounding areas in engineering and automotive-related learning activities, providing them with early exposure to the tech world and academia, fostering personal development.

    The Foundation’s Involvement

    The initiative, spearheaded and overseen by a Foundation board member, is conducted professionally throughout the year to promote higher education in engineering fields. It aims to introduce both students and youth to the academic and technological realms for the first time.

    Tel Aviv University

    Meduyakot Program

    Apprenticeship program for female students in the exact sciences and engineering faculties of all degrees that aims to promote women in academia while creating a supportive community and connecting with role models. 

    The Foundation’s Involvement

    Prof. Amnon Shashua donated the “Ramniceanu”  award , which he received on behalf of Tel Aviv University, back to the program which stemmed from his commitment to strengthening and promoting women in the fields of exact sciences and engineering. 

    Frontiers – Science for Youngsters

    Science for Youngsters is a magazine which make scientific discoveries accessible to young audiences and offers access to hundreds free scientific articles within broad fields: brain research, robotics, medicine, space exploration and biodiversity research. 

    The Foundation’s Involvement

    The Foundation supports the journal because it believes that investing in scientific education from a young age will help reduce socio-economic disparities. Additionally, the Foundation sees inherent value in introducing diverse audiences to the language of scientific academia.

    • At-Risk Populations
    • Tech & Science Education
    • The Social Solidarity Foundation
    • Research & Innovation
    • Policy Promotion & Infrastructure Support
    • Gender