Terms of Use

Please read the Terms of Use before using the website

Welcome to the website of the Shashua Family Foundation, an Israeli philanthropic foundation that is attentive to the changing needs of Israeli society and strives to grow significant solutions for solidarity and reducing social and economic gaps (The Foundation). This website (The Website) is used to establish contact with the Foundation and to receive information for all visitors, including representatives of non-profits and other social organizations, who request financial support, as well as browsers who wish to learn about the Foundation’s activities and about the Foundation (Users). In addition, you can find information on the Website about the Foundation’s initiatives, its work and more. 


Please note that the official and governing version of these Terms of Use is available in Hebrew [LINK], and our operations are solely in Israel. 

Agreement to the Terms of Use 


Use of the Website, the contents and service presented therein, is subject to the Terms of Use below (Terms of Use). Any use of the Website indicates your agreement and approval of the Terms of Use and the Website’s Privacy Policy [link]. If you do not agree to the Terms of Use in full, you may not use the Website. The Foundation reserves the right to update the Terms of Use from time to time. 


Use of the Website is intended for adults over the age of 18 only and is a confirmation that you are legally qualified and authorized to use it.  

Obligations of the Website Users 


The Foundation wishes to ensure that the Website is managed in a proper manner, and that the various contents therein serve Users in an optimal and safe manner. Therefore, you are required not to perform the following strictly prohibited actions: 


Impersonating a person or entity, publishing or distributing any offensive, false, misleading material (including writing comments or sending); 


Changing, processing, copying, extracting information, disassembling or reassembling any of the Website’s components. 


Distributing junk mail (spam) or flooding the Website’s servers with any other mail; 


Uploading or transmission of any material containing any type of virus or computer code, intended to destroy, interfere, or limit the use of any of the computers, servers, hardware and software used by the Foundation for the purpose of operating the Website. Likewise, you must not run or allow to run any computer application or any other means, including programs such as Crawlers Robots and the like, for the purpose of searching, scanning, copying or automatically retrieving content from the Website. Also, you may not create and or use the aforementioned means to create a compilation, collection or database that will contain content from the Website; 


Violation in any way of copyrights, trademarks, or any other proprietary right found on the Website, including any commercial use of the Website without obtaining the Foundation’s prior written consent; 


Placing the Website or any part of it in a website frame, or as a mirror part of a website; 


Interfering in any way with the Website’s activity; 


Collecting information about Website Users, selling, distributing and/or making commercial use of the information available on the Website or any other use in a way that could harm another person; 


Distributing a link to the Website from a website that contains pornographic content, content that encourages racism or illegal discrimination, or that is against the law, or whose publication is against the law or that encourages activity that is against the law, or that may harm the image of the Foundation or the Website. The Foundation will not bear any responsibility for any damage caused as a result of any link and any presentation or publication of such content in any way. You bear the full and exclusive responsibility for any link, presentation or publication of the contents, and undertake to indemnify the Foundation for any damage caused as a result. 


The Foundation may, at its sole discretion, block and/or cancel user access to the Website, inter alia, in one of the following cases: the User committed an illegal act or omission and/or violated a condition of the Terms of Use; the User has committed an act or omission that harms the Foundation and/or someone on its behalf and/or normal operation of the Website and/or any third party; the User provided incorrect and/or misleading information; in case there is a mistake in the product description and/or its price. 

Privacy Policy 


The Foundation respects the privacy of its users. The information you submit as part of using the Website is collected, processed and stored in accordance with the Website’s Privacy Policy [link]. The privacy policy is an integral part of the Terms of Use, please read it carefully. 

Registration and Requests for Financial Support 


The Foundation works for the benefit of significantly assisting Israeli society, with a Zionist, Jewish, democratic and liberal approach in view of forming a model society. To this end, the Foundation allows non-profits and other social entities, in accordance with the determination of the Foundation from time to time (for the sake of convenience, the Applicant), to contact it with a request for financial support according to the application form [link] (Application). Applications will be examined in accordance with the sole and absolute discretion of the Foundation, and will be given, as far as they are given, subject to the terms and conditions of the application form, the terms and conditions of the donation acceptance agreement and any other document or commitment that the Foundation deems is required under the circumstances. 


It will be clarified and emphasized that provision of an opportunity by the Foundation to submit an Application, or filling out an Application, its submission or review by us, or any confirmation that the Application has been received by the Foundation or is under examination, etc., is not confirmation or promise of actual eligibility or receipt of a donation, assistance or support of any kind or scope. 


Beyond the generality of the above, the following terms and conditions will apply to and regarding Applications and their submitters: 


Donations and assistance from the Foundation are intended to help non-profits and other social entities, as determined by the Foundation from time to time, which are active in Israel and their activities for the public in Israel. 


It is clarified that the Foundation does not undertake to consider all the Application sent and that review of the Applications will be according to a schedule that will be decided by the Foundation and at its sole discretion. 


The Foundation reserves the right to contact the Applicant and/or any party for whom the financial support is requested for the purpose of obtaining additional information required by the Foundation, at its sole discretion. 


The Applicant confirms that he is entitled and authorized to apply on behalf of an organization in whose name he applies, including providing all the information required for that purpose, and committing on its behalf to the Terms of Use and any other commitment that will be required as part of examining the Application and receiving the financial support, to the extent that the Foundation decides to provide such support. 


The Applicant hereby undertakes that he holds a proper management certificate and a certificate under Article 46 of the Income Tax Ordinance and it is hereby clarified that this is a prerequisite for submitting the Application. 


The Applicant undertakes and confirms that all information, data and documents provided by them as part of the Website and submitting the Application, including all required references, are complete and accurate. The Applicant knows that the Foundation relies on the information in its decision to provide financial support, and that misleading or providing false information or contrary to the law may constitute a civil wrong and even a criminal act. Without deviating from the aforementioned, the Foundation may check and verify any information provided by the Applicant, including requesting additional information as a condition for receiving and using financial support. 


It will be clarified that the Foundation may review the Applications, itself or through someone on its behalf, all at its sole discretion. 


An Applicant who does not fully comply with the Terms of Use or any other obligation towards the Foundation, according to the Foundation’s sole discretion, will not be entitled to financial support. 


Notwithstanding the above, it is clarified that the parties listed below are not allowed to submit an Application: 

  • A person or corporation against whom an order to initiate proceedings or an order for economic rehabilitation has been issued under the Insolvency and Economic Rehabilitation Law, 5778-2018 or for whom a request for the issuance of such an order has been submitted and which has not yet been deleted;

  • A person against whom a bankruptcy order or a receivership order has been issued under the Bankruptcy Order [new version], 5740-1980 or for whom a request for the issuance of such an order has been submitted and which has not yet been deleted;

  • A company against which a liquidation order has been issued under the Companies Ordinance [new version], 5743-1983 or against which a request has been submitted for the issuance of such an order and which has not yet been deleted, or against which liquidation proceedings are being conducted under this order;
  • A company against which an order freezing proceedings has been issued under the Companies Law, 5759-1999 or in relation to which a request for the issuance of such an order has been submitted and which has not yet been deleted, or in relation to which settlement procedures are being conducted in relation to it.
  • Notwithstanding the above, those named above (whether one of the above-mentioned orders was issued for it, or one of the above-mentioned procedures was conducted against it), but that procedure ended with the issuance of a dismissal order – may submit an Application. 


The Agreement 


It will be clarified that if the Foundation decides to provide financial support, at its sole discretion, the Applicant will be asked to sign an agreement to receive the support, which will be determined exclusively by the Foundation and at its discretion. The agreement will include, inter alia, the amount of the financial support, its dates, the permitted uses of the financial support received, references and additional documents required as a condition or in relation to the use of the financial support, etc. 

Absence of Presentations 


The Foundation provides the Website, the information and the contents within it AS IS, and does not make any guarantee regarding liability, express or implied, legal or otherwise, in any engagement with the Foundation, its representatives, or in everything related to the Website, and you will not have any claim, suit or demand towards the Foundation for the above. Use of the Website will therefore be done at your sole and full responsibility. The Foundation does not guarantee that use of the Website will be secure, uninterrupted, will be provided without interruptions and disturbances and/or will be immune from illegal access, available at any time, free of errors or will suit your requirements, or that any defect or deficiency in it will be corrected, and the Foundation will not be responsible for any damage, direct or indirect, mental anguish, etc. that will be caused to you or your property as a result. 

Third and Affiliated Parties 


You may find content from third parties, links and/or references to other websites, information sources, entities, organizations, etc. on the Website (Third Parties). This content is not under the control of the Foundation although we will make reasonable efforts to monitor them. In addition, the presence of a link to a certain website and/or such a reference on the website does not indicate the Foundation’s agreement to their content and does not indicate that the content of the linked website and/or the body and/or the organization and/or the company are reliable or approved by the Foundation, and that the information that will be provided by them is complete, current or suitable for your use. The Foundation is not responsible for the contents of Third Parties and is not responsible for any result that may result from their use or reliance on them. The Foundation does not guarantee that all the links found on the Website will be correct or safe. 

Liability Limitations 


In no case will the Foundation be responsible to you or to the association for any damage of any kind, loss, emotional distress, etc., for indirect and/or direct results caused to Users or Applicants or associations or any Third Party as a result of relying on and/or using the content and information published on the Website and/or as a result of submitting an Application, its approval or rejection, even if the Foundation or its messengers or representatives knew or were informed of the possibility of a damage event of this kind, to you or to anyone other than you, and you will not hear any claim of reliance against the Foundation. 

Intellectual Property 


All the information appearing on the Website is the sole property of the Foundation or of a Third Party, which has authorized the Foundation to use it, and the information and content provided by it should not be considered as granting any license or any rights in the intellectual property of the Foundation or of Third Parties. You may not copy or publish Website pages and/or make any use of them or the information and content therein, including commercial use, without express prior written consent of the Foundation. The copyrights in everything related to the Website, including its design, its trademarks, as well as any other action on the Website that is unique and exclusive to the Foundation, are reserved to the Foundation or someone on its behalf. By submitting content, you grant the Foundation a free, worldwide and time-limited license to co py, reproduce, distribute, market, deliver to the public, process, edit, translate and use said content in any additional way, at its discretion, including within the Website, in printed matter, and in the digital media services operated by the Foundation on the Website. For the avoidance of doubt, use or the option of using the Website does not grant the User any right in the Foundation’s intellectual property. It is prohibited to sell and/or rent and/or copy and/or reproduce and/or transfer and/or publicly display and/or distribute and/or process and/or modify and/or translate and/or exploit for any commercial purpose, directly and /or indirectly and/or make any use of the content and/or the trademarks displayed on the Website, except with the Foundation’s consent, in advance and in writing and at the Foundation’s sole discretion. 

Numeric Data and Statistics Presented on the Website 


The information provided on the Website and especially that which presents numerical data about the Foundation’s activity, research or strategy is for illustration and the convenience of the Users only. 

Website Contents, Articles and Editorials 


The contents on the Website is intended to provide general information only and does not in any way constitute professional, business, financial, legal, etc. advice, a professional opinion or a substitute for consultation with a qualified or professional entity. The information published on the Website should be considered as partial information only and should not be considered a promise of any result and/or a guarantee of any kind, including the accuracy or correctness of the details. The contents on the Website include original contents of the Foundation and/or contents originating from Third Parties, and/or contents. The Foundation may allow various Third Parties to share information, share content, publish articles, editorials, etc. The information does not constitute legal advice or business advice or a substitute for such and should not be relied upon. Each business and Website User must carry out its own individual checks at its sole responsibility, and in any case, the Foundation will not be responsible for any damage, direct, indirect or consequential, caused (if caused) to it due to, as a result of, or in connection with the use or reliance as mentioned above.  


The Foundation makes no commitment, but reserves the right to review the content and/or responses from Website Users to edit and rewrite at its discretion, to remove and/or not to upload any content to the Website that it believes violates any of the above conditions and/or may harm the Foundation and/or any Third Party. This does not imply any responsibility of the Foundation and you are solely responsible for delivery of the aforementioned contents and the results of their publication. 

Contact Us 


The Foundation is careful to comply with the provisions of the law and respects the right of Website Users to privacy and good faith. If you believe that content has been published on the Website that offends you for any reason, or if you have any questions or requests regarding the Website, please contact us via email: info@shashua-foundation.org.il and we will try to handle your request as soon as possible. 

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction 


These Terms of Use shall be exclusively governed by the laws of the State of Israel. The exclusive place of jurisdiction for any matter concerning the Terms of Use and use of the Website is in the competent courts in the Tel Aviv-Jaffa region. 



Changes and Miscellaneous 


The Foundation may remove the Website or change it or parts of it, limit the availability of contents on the Website, decide not to grant donations of any kind and to any extent, if any, and also change the conditions for granting donations, and this without the need for prior notice. 



Last updated: April 2024.