The Social Solidarity Foundation

    The initiative was conceived from the founders' deep concern over the growing breaches in Israeli society and the urgent need to strengthen social and economic solidarity. Recognizing small businesses as a crucial pillar of the Israeli economy and society, the initiative aims to fortify and sustain them. The Social Solidarity Foundation's projects, We19 and WeR1, are geared towards enhancing the growth and advancement of small businesses, with a focus on solidarity and innovation. Since its inception, the initiative has been dedicated to supporting small business owners through collaboration, guidance, access to professional resources, and financial aid. 

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    • We19

      The inaugural initiative of The Social Solidarity Foundation identified a group of small, newly established businesses vulnerable to crises primarily due to their instability yet possessing the potential to positively impact social and economic solidarity in the country. This project aims to provide financial growth grants to support these businesses. In an innovative approach within the philanthropic field, businesses were selected through peer selection. Approximately 8,000 business owners who applied for grants were given the opportunity to anonymously and randomly nominate other deserving businesses based on their own judgment and expertise. Through this process, approximately 2,500 business owners  were chosen by majority vote to receive grants. 

    • WeR1

      During the ongoing management of the We19 project, accompanied with an evaluation and measurement process, The Social Solidarity Foundation recognized the inherent power and necessity of community support in bolstering its members and ensuring economic sustainability. This realization led to the development of a community tool aimed at aiding and nurturing small business owners.  

      The WeR1 project's small business community currently comprises over 13,000 owners of diverse businesses nationwide. At the heart of the project lies the WeR1 app, which equips business owners with a suite of tools and solutions to address challenges, enabling them to pursue their objectives through fostering social solidarity, forging partnerships, offering support and guidance, and facilitating access to essential business information in an innovative and efficient manner. 

    • 3,229

      Businesses were awarded growth grants

    • 150M

      Shekels were invested in growth grants

    • 13,708

      Businesses within the WeR1 community.

    • 176

      Businesses benefit from mentorship.