Development & Strategy

Gender, Policy, Infrastructure, Research & Innovation 

Research & Innovation

Research & Innovation

The Foundation utilized measurement and evaluation as a key tool for examining, advancing, and continuously improving its philanthropic strategy. It relies on data to inform and support its operations, while also conducting research using diverse and up-to-date methodologies. 

Policy Promotion & Infrastructure Support

Policy Promotion & Infrastructure Support

The Foundation believes in supporting policies that further the issues currently on its agenda.  Furthermore, the Foundation is dedicated to shaping and enhancing Israeli philanthropy as a complementary force to the state's effort by serving as a catalyst for growth by strengthening infrastructure, conducting research, and fostering collaborations with other like-minded organizations. 



The Foundation fosters awareness of gender equality by examining philanthropic giving through a gender lens. This perspective guides its choices and work processes, and it invests in research and advocacy to promote gender equality in philanthropy. 


Utilizes collective impact to address pressing issues in Israeli society by connecting social, public, and business organizations to solve complex social problems. Leading various C.I initiatives: "Drawing the Lines" to prevent partner violence, "Yeshotanu" to promote meaningful life in old age, "Mekomot" to enhance excellence in local government, and "Yeladenu" for emergency assistance to children and youth from conflict areas post-October 7.

The Foundation’s Involvement

The Foundation sits on the organization's executive board, actively engages in strategic decision-making, and contributes to the Drawing the Lines initiative's steering committee and TOP15 (prior to its closure). Additionally, the foundation supports "Yeladenu," the emergency project launched at the onset of the war. 

The institute for Law and Philanthropy

The Institute is a research body established at the Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University s with a mission to help integrate philanthropy into Israel’s socioeconomic policy and strengthen philanthropy in an effort to foster a more equitable and prosperous society. The Institute operates in three predominant areas – research, education, and community outreach. 

The Foundation’s Involvement

The Foundation has representation on the executive board and actively supports the advancement of multidisciplinary research in philanthropy, teaching and training in the field, and the reinforcement of a network of stakeholders, including government officials. 

JFN – Jewish Funders Network

JFN Israel is a professional network that enables Israeli philanthropists to share ideas regarding their philanthropic involvement and expand their circles of giving, both in Israel and overseas.  

The Foundations’ Involvement

The foundation is an active member of JFN Israel, participating in conferences and informational campaigns. Additionally, it collaborates as a partner in the Center for Family Philanthropy and is a member of in its steering committee. 


Social Real Estate Israel – Led by the Schusterman Foundation in collaboration with several other foundations, the Social Real Estate Rehabilitative Model for Women in Prostitution provides a holistic approach to rehabilitation including ensuring appropriate housing as a basic human right. 

The Foundation’s Involvement

The Foundation views this initiative as a groundbreaking, innovative model in the field of philanthropy and joined as the only Israeli amongst the philanthropic foundations hoping to expand the target populations in the future.

The Israeli Women's Network

The Network is public association working to promote women and gender equality through legislation, education, research, policy change and raising public awareness. 

The Foundation’s Involvement

The Foundation holds a seat on the executive board and serves as a professional ally and partner in the organization's activities. 

Adam Teva V`Din

Israel Union for Environmental Defense

An organization that promotes environmental and social agenda change in Israel through the use of legal, scientific, and public advocacy tools. 

The Foundation’s Involvement

The Foundation, led by a board member, supports the establishment of the organization's economic department playing a significant role in local environmental discussions. This initiative seeks to present environmental issues with economic justifications to decision-makers. 

121 Engine for Social Change

In Good Hands

The organization addresses key social and economic challenges in Israel by partnering with civil society, business, policymakers, grassroots groups, and philanthropic institutions. The "In Good Hands" project is dedicated to investing in early childhood education, ensuring quality education from birth to age three.

The Foundation’s Involvement

Led by a board member, the Foundation serves as a professional partner on the steering committee of the In Good Hands project. Committed to the belief that ensuring quality public education for toddlers is crucial, especially during emergencies.

Forum of Foundations in Israel

Is a community of professionals from philanthropic foundations, dedicated to enhancing societal well-being in Israel, and serves as a vital resource for fostering connections and collaborations among foundations. This community strives to create optimal conditions for advancing professionalism in philanthropy, guided by principles of diversity, responsibility, and partnership within and across sectors. 

The Foundation’s Involvement

The Foundation serves as an active partner in fostering collaborative efforts. It engages in relevant focus groups, participates in tours, seminars, team-building exercises, and other activities aimed at promoting collaboration and driving positive impact. 

  • At-Risk Populations
  • Tech & Science Education
  • The Social Solidarity Foundation
  • Research & Innovation
  • Policy Promotion & Infrastructure Support
  • Gender