Emergency Activity

Following the events of October 7 and the ensuing crisis, individuals, communities, foundations, and organizations have rallied together to bolster Israel's resilience and provide support to vulnerable populations. 

The Shashua Family Foundation swiftly mobilized to address the needs of those affected by the conflict through three primary avenues: emergency relief for small businesses, establishment of Early Childhood rehabilitation program, and assistance to organizations engaged in emergency response efforts. 

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    Early Childhood

    Following the events of October 7, the Foundation swiftly directed its attention towards early childhood, recognizing the profound impact on this vulnerable population. In pursuit of this initiative, the Foundation initiated a comprehensive research process, engaging in discussions with academics, foundations, and associations to assess the prevailing needs in the field. Furthermore, the Foundation conducted a thorough review of global best practices. 

    Following this intensive learning phase, the Foundation opted to concentrate its efforts on the birth-to-three age group situated near conflict zones in the south and north, fostering professional partnerships within the sector. 

    Leading a Round Table

    For Early Childhood

    Together with the Van Leer Foundation, the Foundation initiated and led a roundtable to consolidate existing knowledge in the field. Representatives from various foundations shared expertise, projects, and operational methods, engaging in dialogue with government officials, academia, and other stakeholders. The outcome was a comprehensive mapping of activities and resources in the field. 

    The Developmental Playground

    Founded by the Rashi Foundation

    The Foundation is involved in establishing a specialized developmental-therapeutic playground at hotels in the Dead Sea, Eilat, and Tiberias for families of evacuees and their children. Led by a professional team including a developmental psychologist, social worker, communication therapist, occupational therapist, physiotherapist, and nutritionist, the playground offers care, guidance, and training for parents and preschool children. Additionally, hotels host lectures and group training sessions to address pertinent questions from parents and professional teams working with children. 

    Quality of Early Childhood Education-Care

    Collaboration with the Yad HaNadiv Foundation

    At the conclusion of its learning and research, the Foundation opted to participate in a project spearheaded by the Yad HaNadiv Foundation aimed at enhancing the quality of care for children aged birth to 3. Recognizing the critical importance of ensuring quality early childhood education and care, especially in areas affected by conflict, the Foundation has decided to collaborate with Yad HaNadiv Foundation in this initiative. The goal is to enhance the capacity of professional organizations to provide guidance and training to unsupervised settings, as well as to support the development of local authorities' capabilities in maintaining ongoing communication with early childhood educators. As part of this partnership, the Foundation will provide support to two localities and offer professional guidance throughout the process.


    Advancing Preschool Children in Arab Society in the Negev

    The organization was founded to advocate for action and public dialogue regarding the significance of early childhood intervention within the Arab community. Its objective is to generate lasting impact and establish future infrastructure for culturally and linguistically tailored support to families, along with implementing a system for training and ongoing education for local professionals. 

    The Foundation’s Involvement

    The Foundation backs the Hatzerot (Yards) project, facilitated by the association, offering mothers workshops on child development in backyard settings and kindergartens. These sessions feature activities like storytelling, interactive play, puppet shows, and more for mothers and toddlers. 


    The association advocates for the health, development, and well-being of Israeli children, aiming to reform and enhance the delivery of services to children and families. Its primary focus is on healthcare professionals who play a pivotal role in the lives of children and families.

    The Foundation’s Involvement

    The Foundation supports the development of knowledge through the parent portal, How You’ve Grown – the most comprehensive knowledge site regarding development, parenting and child rearing. 

    • At-Risk Populations
    • Tech & Science Education
    • The Social Solidarity Foundation
    • Research & Innovation
    • Policy Promotion & Infrastructure Support
    • Gender